
Image Converter

You may use this tool to optimize images for use as textures in the RoachEngine.


DataURL of the original image:

Your converted texture:


Resolution 256x256 128x128 64x64 32x32
DataURL of your converted texture:
JavaScript code of your converted texture:
"Tripped" (purposefully corrupted) texture*

Trip byte (swapped byte) Swapped original byte "" with incorrect byte "" at index "". Swapped original byte "" with incorrect byte "" at index "". Swapped original byte "" with incorrect byte "" at index "". Swapped original byte "" with incorrect byte "" at index "".
Tripped DataURL
Tripped Javascript

A note on "tripped" assets

To make sure our assets are kept secure, a secret code is used to scramble them.
The entire dataURL can be corrupted by swapping a single character near the beginning.
We can use this to make it more difficult for people to snoop into the assets using
the dev tools and store a table of trip keys elsewhere in some place less obvious.